Transforming Lives Through Opportunity Pathways
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Testimonials: Gap2Gain Program
“This program was absolutely critical to my daughter's junior college experience. John, an Executive Functioning Skills Coach was an absolute life saver! One-on-one coaching sessions with John helped my daughter stay on task, improve her GPA—and her confidence—and develop a solid relationship with another adult. She transferred to a prestigious four-year school and is in paid employment as a result.”
-Leslie H, parent
“This program changed my life! I was struggling, especially during covid and was close to dropping out. Now I have the job of my dreams and have the self-confidence to succeed in my career and life.”
-John W., program participant
“I no longer see my future as limited. I completed my certificate in cybersecurity as part of the apprenticeship program option and love that my support team continues to be there for me as I am navigated upskilling opportunities and aiming for a leadership role.”
-Tracey M. program participant
Testimonials: Neuroincluson at Work Trainings and Coaching
“In our seven years of conducting these sessions, this one surely ranks as one with the most interest and engagement! Thank you for all the good work you do, and for presenting such helpful information.”
-Russ Florence, CEO
“Phenomenal. Your audit improved both our culture and bottom-line performance.”
-James S., Senior Vice President
“What an amazing session with Dr. Dunne!”
-Don Smith, Director, Alvarez & Marsal